Allstar Quilters for Kids
Allstar Quilters for Kids was started in 2000 by a small group of quilters headed up by a dedicated group lead by Jan Martin. We started out at St. Phillips Episcopal Church in Scotts Valley, which had a former life as the Star Motel, hence our name. Over the years we outgrew that space and have moved to the community room of the Felton Fire Department. Trinity Church is our latest venue, where we meet to sew, socialize, organize and of course eat. We now number 25 quilters, with three very generous long arm quilters donating services to the cause.

Our mission is to provide sturdy, colorful quilts to children in need within our county. To that end we have donated close to 2,000 quilts and counting. Some of the many agencies we donate to have included: CASA; Dominican Hospital NICU; Pregnancy Resource Center; Royal Family Camp for Kids; Jacob's Heart/Hearts and Hands Camp; Siena House; Jesus, Mary and Joseph Home and more. Historically, we have donated to New Horizons School, Beach Flats Community Center, Jacob’s Heart, Make a Wish. Their appreciation is what makes our work so rewarding. We have a whole binder of thank you notes and pictures.
Allstar Quilters for Kids estimates that we use close to 500 yards of fabric a year, some of it donated by generous guild members. We use approximately 4 queen size rolls of batting per year. We raise funds by selling specially made quilts at the PVQA Quilt Show’s live auction. Every other year we have managed the silent auction in return for some of the proceeds, and we continually dip into our own stashes and pockets. We also donate a quilt each year to the guild as a thank you for all the support. Be sure to check out the display the combined PVQA outreach groups create each year at the Quilt Show.

Delivering almost 2 dozen quilts to CASA
We welcome any PVQA members to come sew, help or participate in any way you are able. We have several members who prefer to sew at home, some members who stitch bindings, some members who cannot attend but offer us fabric donations, block donations, even cash. All contributions are welcome and important. We meet the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Trinity Church, 420 Melrose Ave, Santa Cruz from 10 am to 3 pm.