PVQA Board
The PVQA board is elected by PVQA members. The Board terms start in June of each year. Members are always invited to attend Board Meetings.
PVQA Board Meetings are currently being held over the internet via Zoom on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 pm. Once a year the Board meeting is held in person. In-person Board meetings will be announced to the membership prior to being held.
PVQA Board Officers 2024-2025
Standing Committee Chairs
President - Lori Camner
2nd Year VPs (Program Coordinators) - Nancy Gonzalez Caro, Marion Towar
1st Yr VPs (Program Coordinators and NCQC) - Gayne Barlow-Kemper & Nancy Hanson
Secretary - Annie Durbin
Treasurer – Sheila Upham
Standing Committee Chairs
Affiliates – Betty Whitman
Members-at-Large – Kenee Houser, Ruth Smith
Membership – Helen Klee, 1 year
Newsletter Editor - Sue Costa
Parliamentarian - Nancy Hanson
Quilt Show Chair - Kristine Ebersole
Appointed Chairs
Bargain Garden - Kathleen Howard, Sheryl Andersen
Block of the Month – Valerie Spaugh and Leslie Botu
Education, Outreach - Sara Roche, Jackie Tuttle
Fat Quarter Exchange – Michele Estrin-Gelblum
Google System Administrator – Alex Burke
Hands All Around – Cara Lamb
Historian – Jane Nyberg
Hospitality – Susan Moulton
Librarian – Vicki Davis
Name Tag Drawing – Claire Wong
Opportunity Quilt Marketing - Iris Frank, Linda Saranto
Publicity - Gaby Litsky
Records and Information Manager - Kristie Shulman
Small Quilt Groups - Nancy Gonzalez Caro
Social Media Admins - Cate Munch, Susan Raineri
Virtual Program and Zoom Coordinator – Marnie Genes
Website Manager - Kathleen Howard
Quilt by Patricia Nielsen, shown with permission.

Get in Touch!
To donate sewing and craft items, please see the Bargain Garden page.
For Block of the Month, please use the form on the Block of the Month page.
For Quilt Show information and contacts, see the Quilt Show page.
For Membership information, including Business Affiliates, see the Membership page.
For information about our Opportunity Quilt and its marketing, please see the Opportunity Quilt page.​
Members are asked to use their Roster for contacting most board members.