Charter Members
Pajaro Valley Quilt Association honors the charter members who, in 1978, worked to form our guild, produce quilt shows, and develop the atmosphere for creativity that exists today.
Kathy Bachan
Joan Batistich
Agnes Bezouska
Ione Bonney
June Borges
Susie Brandle
Eileen Byers
Erma Clark
Rachel Clark
Beatrice Casey
Dorothy Cline
Mabel Cole
Jean Davidson
Trudy Deaker
Ida Duren
Diane Fassnacht
Adrienne Fagalde
Amy Ferreira
Lavina Ferreira
Linda Gordon
Sirleen Ghigleri
Jean Grabost
Leslie Haws
Harriet Holmes
Cynthia Hornbeak
JoAnn Jackson
Pat Loughead
Martha Lipsanen
Janice Lucich
Nell Marmo
Mary Morris
Susan Mihalik
Lena Moline
Billie Parsons-Street
Eleanor Penner
Elaine Pryor
Barbara Palla
Hilda Morrell
Carol McGuire
Bennie O'Donohue
Laura Olson
Helen Pratt
Carmel Reitman
Christine Scherer
Donalee Seymour
Sandra Walsh
Shikuma Lee
Lee Seigfried
Cheryl Street
Jean F. Street
Lisa Swallow
Kris Vassar
Andrea Volpe
Katie Whidden
Carolyn White
Betty Whitman
Flossie Whatley